“It is what it is.”
“It be like that sometimes.”
“That’s just the way things are.”
These are all common phrases that are typically expressed at liberty without thought of the consequences of thinking such a way.
There is a box within which we all live, and one wall of this box is constructed by circumstances we believe we have to accept because “that’s just the way things are.”
This idea is an incredibly limiting one and prevents you from reaching your full potential and from actualizing your dreams and purpose in life.
Why You Shouldn’t Accept the Way Things Are
One way to let yourself down is to accept that things are the way that they are and that some things are out of your control. These are just excuses.
Yes, there are situations and circumstances that are completely out of our control. We aren’t God; we aren’t robots. We aren’t surrounded by other Gods and other robots. We are imperfect humans living in an imperfect world.
But accepting things for how they are is a way of giving in to the evils of this world. The world wants you to be okay with how things are, so you don’t even attempt to make them better. The world wants you to be complacent, so your true strengths and skills are never used for the betterment of society.
Fear wants you to accept the way that things are. Comfort begs you to stay within certain confines by accepting the way things are. But Truth demands that you challenge those beliefs. Justice pleads that you don’t settle for acceptance.
You do yourself an extreme disservice when you accept complacency and blame your circumstances on external factors. Instead of placing blame, take matters into your own hands.
You certainly can’t control everything in your life. But you can control your outlook on your life and life in general. You can control what you do about your circumstances.
Do you choose to let the circumstances control your life? Do you choose to submit to ‘It is what it is’? Or do you choose to take on the mindset that ‘all things work out for my greater good’?
Real Talk
I know, I know…easier said than done, Jade. But life wasn’t meant to be easy, and it’s not going to be.
It’s way harder to have something painful happen to you and choose to rise above the circumstances. It’s harder to experience the evil of this world and choose to still see the love, kindness, and goodness that exist.
Ultimately, rising above the ‘it is what it is’ mentality, or at least pretending to, allows you to have a more positive outlook on life.
It allows you to be one step ahead of a society that promotes complacency. All matters will certainly not be within your own hands, but there are aspects of a matter that is.